Monday, May 19, 2014

 My good husband turned around and went back so I could get this picture of this beautiful woman working over her sewing machine. I just loved the complete scene!
 This very young girl was walking on the road with her little charge on her back.

 We love the flowers and trees!  And watching these crowned cranes that live in an outdoor restaurant!  So fun to watch!

 We have been trained by the best!  These are our fearless leaders!  Amazing, dedicated people!
 Being at the temple was a treat!
 Don't you love this pottery at the airport in Johannesburg!  I'll take two!

 This was just today at the airport in Bujumbura.  These two families from the DR Congo are going for their first plane ride.  They are on their way to the temple to be sealed as eternal families!  They were so excited.
 I was amazed by this man with his bananas on his bike.  Have you ever hefted a bunch of bananas?  They are so heavy!  What muscles!  What a bike!

 Yes I Took That picture with my iPad from the window of the plane. We are in the air over Kenya. We are returning from a very productive week in Johannesburg. If we arent Good, It Is not because we did not get training from the best. We did!

The Purposes of the Humanitarian arm of the church is to relieve suffering, to foster self-reliance, and to give Opportunities for service. "How do you do that?" occupied MOST of our time.

This is an education!

We recommend a book by Dambisa Moyo called Expired "Dead Aid why aid is not working and how there is Another Way for Africa." We Both Read it on the flight and found it very enlightening.


  1. those bananas are crazy!! but you all are the cutest. LOVE YOU!

  2. Carol, I have just been catching up on your blog! Love the photos, and that you sound so happy and positive. Hope things are going well. Looks like you will have photos for a lifetime of painting when you get back!

  3. Somehow I've missed your past couple posts! I love the pictures. Awesome! I read a book aboutparenting that based research on some native aborigines in South America somewhere. They talked about wearing your baby as the best comfort. Interesting book. Love you! -V


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